Friday, April 18, 2014

The Lion and the Gazelle

The Lion goes to sleep at night knowing that he’s going to have to run faster than the slowest Gazelle. The Gazelle goes to sleep at night knowing that he’s going to have to run faster than the slowest Gazelle.

The Lion run because he will starve to death if he doesn’t. The Gazelle run for his life.

Are you a Lion or a Gazelle? If I would tell you that we’re all trained to be lions for the promise of eating Gazelle for the last years of our lives, would you believe me?

We’re trained to run for our food for 45 years of our life on the promise of having free food after that. There’s a problem though, the promise of free food, after 45 years, won’t be there. So why are we still running for food? Shouldn’t we be running for our lives?

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